Zach Smith


Counting things.

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On Watch Alert! - Web App for maintaining alertness while on watch. Features iris detection.

Ship Segmentation - Docker Python Shiny app hosted on Google Cloud Run slow cold start

Airplane Manufacturer Id - Docker Python Shiny app hosted on Google Cloud Run slow cold start

March Madness Model - Docker Streamlit app hosted on Google Cloud Run slow cold start


XKCD’s Frequentist Straw Man - An analysis of the errors in XKCD’s Frequentist vs. Bayesian comic.

Computational Bayes (py): Variational Inference - Exploring various Bayesian inference techniques and the algorithms behind them. Includes Variational inference (vi).

Computational Bayes (py): Conjugate Priors and MCMC - Python version of the below post, exploring various Bayesian inference techniques and the algorithms behind them. Includes analytical conjugate priors and Markov chain monte carlo (mcmc). Variational inference (vi) to come.

Computational Bayes (R) - Exploring various Bayesian inference techniques and the algorithms behind them. Includes analytical conjugate priors, Markov chain monte carlo (mcmc), and variational inference (vi)