import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as anim
from scipy.special import logsumexp
2023) np.random.seed(
Computational Bayes: Variational Inference
Repo for this notebook.
This post continues from the previous post exploring different Bayesian inference techniques and the computations behind them. The focus is on the what and how and not on the why. Mathematical derivations for why a technique works are left for further research, instead I hope to demonstrate what each inference technique aims to accomplish and show how to accomplish this by implementing simple solutions with minimal tooling to make the mechanics visible and easily understood. I also hope to show how each technique relates to the other to help provide a unified picture of what we are trying to accomplish in Bayesian inference.
This post focuses on variational inference (VI). While MCMC aims to produce samples from a potentially intractable posterior, in VI we specify an approximate distribution for the posterior and optimize the parameters to most closely fit the true posterior.
In this post we will look at two main problems in Bayesian inference
- Parameter inference (global parameters)
- Latent variable inference (local parameters)
The parameter inference section will follow along the same problem as in the previous post, trying to estimate the unknown \(\mu\) parameter for some distribution. The latent variable inference will look at a more interesting problem of inferring latent local parameters, and use VI to solve it in two different ways.
From the previous post we were trying to estimate the unknown \(\mu\) parameter for data drawn from a normal distribution with known variance.
\[ \begin{aligned} & \mu = 2 \\ & \sigma = 1 \\ & X \sim \text{Normal}(\mu, \sigma ) \end{aligned} \]
We placed a normal distribution prior on \(\mu\)
\[ \begin{aligned} & \mu_\mu = 0 \\ & \sigma_\mu = 10 \\ & \mu \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_\mu, \sigma_\mu) \\ \end{aligned} \]
Giving us the conjugate posterior distribution for \(\mu\) to be
\[ \begin{aligned} & \mu_{\mu|x} = 1.78 \\ & \sigma_{\mu|x} = 0.13 \\ & \mu \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_{\mu|x}, \sigma_{\mu|x}) \end{aligned} \]
= 0
prior_mu = 10
= 60
N = 2
mu = 1
sigma = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, N)
= pd.DataFrame(
{"method": "Conjugate",
"mu_mu": 1.78,
"mu_sigma": 0.13
index )
Let’s see if we can recover this distribution using variational inference.
Variational Inference
Rather than sampling from the posterior like with MCMC, variational inference turns this into an optimization problem. To do so we will specify an approximating distribution for the posterior \(q(\mu|x)\) along with the prior distribution. This posterior distribution can be any distribution we like, but our goal is the select a distribution that can match the true posterior as closely as possible. We then optimize the parameters of the approximate posterior to minimize KL divergence between the approximate posterior and the true posterior.
Because we are using conjugate priors we actually know that the true posterior is normally distributed, so first let’s pick the normal as our approximate distribution and see if we can properly recover the parameters. Next, we will try using a distribution that cannot so closely approximate the true normal posterior and see what happens.
With a normal distribution as our posterior we have two parameters to optimize for it, \(\mu_q\) and \(\sigma_q\).
\[ q(\mu|x) \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_q, \sigma_q) \]
= np.random.normal q_z
In order for us to optimize these parameters we need to define our loss function. This is normally taken to be the KL divergence between the approximate posterior and the true posterior. With some work the KL divergence can be simplified to a form which we can actually calculate, in practice this is generally converted to the ELBO to be maximized. The details of this is left to the reader to explore further.
\[ \begin{aligned} & KL(q(\mu|x)||p(\mu|x)) = \int_\mu q(\mu|x) \log\frac{q(\mu|x)}{p(\mu|x)}d\mu = \\ & E[\log\frac{q(\mu|x)}{p(\mu|x)}] = \\ & E[\log q(\mu|x) - \log p(\mu, x) + \log p(x)] = \\ & E[\log q(\mu|x) - \log p(x|\mu) - \log p(\mu) + \log p(x)] \end{aligned} \]
The last term \(\log p(x)\) does not rely on \(q(\mu|x)\) and is therefore constant within the optimization problem reducing the KL divergence to
\[ E[\log q(\mu|x) - \log p(x|\mu) - \log p(\mu)] \]
Because the result is an expectation, we can calculate this by Monte Carlo sampling the approximate posterior and take the average of the resulting calculations.
= 100 #number of draws for the expectation in KL divergence
def elbo(z_i, posterior_mu, posterior_sigma):
= ss.norm.logpdf(z_i, posterior_mu, posterior_sigma)
q_z = ss.norm.logpdf(x, z_i, sigma).sum()
p_x_z = ss.norm.logpdf(z_i, prior_mu, prior_sigma)
p_z return q_z - p_x_z - p_z
def kl_divergence(posterior_mu, posterior_sigma):
#take samples from approximate posterior distribution
= q_z(posterior_mu, posterior_sigma, n_draws)
z #calculate elbo(s)
= [elbo(z_i, posterior_mu, posterior_sigma) for z_i in z]
kl return np.mean(kl) #take expectation
All that is left is to optimize the posterior_mu
and posterior_sigma
. Some sort of gradient descent is generally used, but lets do a grid search over the parameter space so we can look at how kl divergence changes across this space. We will calculate the KL divergence at each combination of proposed posterior_mu
and posterior_sigma
, select the combination that produces the lowest value, and plot it on the space of values.
# grid search over all combinations of mu_vals and sigma_vals
= np.arange(0, 4, 0.1)
mu_vals = np.arange(0.1, 2, 0.1)
sigma_vals = np.array(np.meshgrid(mu_vals, sigma_vals)).reshape((2,-1)).T
to_search = pd.DataFrame(to_search, columns=["mu_mu", "mu_sigma"])
to_search "kl"] = 0.0
for row in to_search.itertuples():
# calculate value of kl divergence at this combination and save
"kl"] = kl_divergence(row.mu_mu, row.mu_sigma)
# find best value in grid and report
= to_search.sort_values("kl").iloc[0]
best_val = pd.concat(
{"method": "VI-Grid Search",
"mu_mu": best_val["mu_mu"],
"mu_sigma": best_val["mu_sigma"],
) estimates
method | mu_mu | mu_sigma | |
0 | Conjugate | 1.78 | 0.13 |
1 | VI-Grid Search | 1.80 | 0.10 |
From our grid search we see that we have once again come very close to the true posterior values.
plt.imshow("kl"].values.reshape((19, 40)),
)"mu_mu"], best_val["mu_sigma"], c="red");
plt.xlabel("mu_sigma"); plt.ylabel(
While performing grid search is a useful way for visualizing the shape of the parameter space, in practice it is generally too computationally intensive and requires very tight grid spacing to recover the optimal parameters.
Now lets perform a very simplified form of gradient descent. We will be performing coordinate descent, where we optimize each parameter independently. This makes the updates simple to perform, though in more complex parameter spaces it will not perform well.
Also for simplicity we will compute the gradient via finite differences. Again this is not recommended in practice but is good enough for our purposes here.
# initialize the parameters
= 0.5
mu_mu_kl = 1.5
# optimization settings
= 100
iters = 1e-1 # perturb the parameter by this much to estimate the gradient
h = 1e-3
step_size # track how the posterior parameters change over the iterations
= pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((iters, 2)), columns=["mu", "sigma"])
posterior_steps = [] # collect the kl divergence values here
for i in range(iters):
# step mu
= (kl_divergence(mu_mu_kl + h, mu_sigma_kl) - kl_divergence(mu_mu_kl, mu_sigma_kl)) / h # finite difference for gradient
gradient1 = mu_mu_kl - gradient1 * step_size
# step sigma
# technically we should recompute current_kl here but we will skip for speed
= (kl_divergence(mu_mu_kl, mu_sigma_kl + h) - kl_divergence(mu_mu_kl, mu_sigma_kl)) / h
gradient2 = mu_sigma_kl - gradient2 * step_size
= [mu_mu_kl, mu_sigma_kl]
posterior_steps.iloc[i,:] += [kl_divergence(mu_mu_kl, mu_sigma_kl)] kls
First we can inspect to make sure the KL divergence between the approximate and true posterior was reduced over iterations.
And lets see how our approximate distribution compares to the previous estimates.
= pd.concat(
{"method": "VI-Gradient Descent",
"mu_mu": mu_mu_kl,
"mu_sigma": mu_sigma_kl,
) estimates
method | mu_mu | mu_sigma | |
0 | Conjugate | 1.780000 | 0.130000 |
1 | VI-Grid Search | 1.800000 | 0.100000 |
2 | VI-Gradient Descent | 1.727722 | 0.083892 |
Because we traced the posterior parameters as the evolved we can plot the optimization trajectory over the parameter space.
plt.imshow("kl"].values.reshape((19, 40)),
)"mu"], posterior_steps["sigma"], c="red");
plt.xlabel("mu_sigma"); plt.ylabel(
Variational Inference Posterior Mismatch
In the previous section we had the fortune of working with a model that had a known posterior distribution so we could match the family of the approximate distribution to this known family providing us with accurate posterior parameter predictions. But we are not restricted to using the same family of distribution for the approximate distribution. In fact when using variational methods we are often working on models in which we don’t know the true posterior distribution. To see what happens when the approximate distribution family does not match the true posterior, we will use the same generative model as before, but use a exponential distribution as the approximate distribution.
You will notice that this approximate distribution is a poor fit immediately due to it being bounded on the low end by 0.
= np.random.exponential q_z
= 100 #number of draws for the expectation in KL divergence
def elbo(z_i, posterior_mu):
= ss.expon.logpdf(z_i, scale=1 / posterior_mu)
q_z = ss.norm.logpdf(x, z_i, sigma).sum()
p_x_z = ss.norm.logpdf(z_i, prior_mu, prior_sigma)
p_z return q_z - p_x_z - p_z
def kl_divergence(posterior_mu):
#take samples from approximate posterior distribution
= q_z(1 / posterior_mu, n_draws)
z #calculate elbo(s)
= [elbo(z_i, posterior_mu) for z_i in z]
kl return np.mean(kl) #take expectation
The exponential distribution only has one parameter \(\beta\) that needs to be optimized. Because \(\beta>0\) we will optimize it in unconstrained space by taking the \(\log\) of it.
# initialize the parameters
= -1 #this is in log domain because beta is lower bounded at 0, need to exponentiate
# optimization settings
= 1000
iters = 1e-2 # perturb the parameter by this much to estimate the gradient
h = 1e-6
step_size # track how the posterior parameters change over the iterations
= pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((iters, 1)), columns=["mu"])
posterior_steps = [] # collect the kl divergence values here
kls = kl_divergence(np.exp(mu_beta_kl))
for i in range(iters):
# step mu
= (kl_divergence(np.exp(mu_beta_kl + h)) - current_kl) / h # finite difference for gradient
gradient1 = mu_beta_kl - gradient1 * step_size
"mu"] = np.exp(mu_beta_kl)
posterior_steps.loc[i, = kl_divergence(np.exp(mu_beta_kl))
current_kl += [current_kl] kls
And lets see how our approximate distribution compares to the previous estimates.
= pd.concat(
{"method": "VI-Mismatch",
"mu_mu": 1 / np.exp(mu_beta_kl),
"mu_sigma": np.nan,
) estimates
method | mu_mu | mu_sigma | |
0 | Conjugate | 1.780000 | 0.130000 |
1 | VI-Grid Search | 1.800000 | 0.100000 |
2 | VI-Gradient Descent | 1.727722 | 0.083892 |
3 | VI-Mismatch | 1.661364 | NaN |
= np.arange(-5, 10, 0.1)
x1 =1 / np.exp(mu_beta_kl)), label="misfit approx posterior");
plt.plot(x1, ss.expon.pdf(x1, scale0, "mu_mu"], estimates.loc[0, "mu_sigma"]),label="conjugate posterior");
plt.plot(x1, ss.norm.pdf(x1, estimates.loc[; plt.legend()
Latent Variable Variational Inference
In the previous section we used various methods to calculate or estimate the posterior distribution of a single, global parameter. In this section we we continue using variational inference to learn latent parameters.
In this context a latent parameter is an unobserved variable related to each observation, so rather than estimating one parameter we need to estimate at least as any parameters as there are data points.
For this we will generate data from mixture of normal distributions.
\[ \begin{aligned} & Z \sim Categorical(0.5, 0.5) \\ & \mu_1 = -1 \\ & \mu_2 = 1 \\ & \sigma = 1 \\ & Y \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_z, \sigma | Z=z) \end{aligned} \]
= 60
N_ = N_ + N_
= [-1, 1]
mus = 1
= np.random.normal(mus[0], sigma, N_)
y_1 = np.random.normal(mus[1], sigma, N_)
y_2 = np.concatenate([y_1, y_2])
= pd.DataFrame(
{"class": np.concatenate([np.ones(N_), 2 * np.ones(N_)]),
"y": y
} )
plt.hist(y_1, alpha=0.5) plt.hist(y_2, alpha
(array([3., 2., 5., 6., 8., 5., 7., 8., 7., 9.]),
array([-1.15479319, -0.77779737, -0.40080155, -0.02380573, 0.35319009,
0.7301859 , 1.10718172, 1.48417754, 1.86117336, 2.23816918,
2.615165 ]),
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)
For our model let us again assume that \(\sigma\) is known, so we must find the global \(\mu\) parameters for each class, as well as the latent class parameter for each data point.
Our joint model is then
\[ p(y,z) = \prod_N{p(y|\mu_z,\sigma)p(z)} \]
Now that we have our data let us specify our posterior distribution and our KL divergence loss metric.
= np.array([0.5, 0.5])
prior_prob = 0
prior_mu = 10
prior_sigma = 10
def elbo(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, mu_sigma_params, sigma_params):
= np.where(np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(y)) <= posterior_vals[:,0], 0, 1).astype(int)
z = np.random.normal(mu_mu_params, mu_sigma_params, 2)
mu_params # calculate KL
= np.log(posterior_vals[np.arange(len(y)), z]).sum() # approximate posterior
q_z = ss.norm.logpdf(y, mu_params[z], sigma_params[z]).sum() # likelihood
p_y_z = np.log(prior_prob[z]).sum() # class prior
p_z = ss.norm.logpdf(mu_params, prior_mu, prior_sigma).sum() # mu prior #need log?
p_mu return q_z - p_y_z - p_z - p_mu
def kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, mu_sigma_params, sigma_params):
#calculate elbo
= [elbo(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, mu_sigma_params, sigma_params) for _ in range(ndraws)]
kl return np.mean(kl)
# initialize parameters
= 0.5 * np.ones((len(y), 2))
posterior_vals = np.array([-3, 3])
mu_mu_params = np.log(np.ones(2)) # take log to put parameters in unconstrained space
mu_sigma_params = np.array([1, 1])
= 300
iters # perturbation for posterior z
= 1
h # perturbation for mu values
= 1e-0
h_ = np.array([1, 0])
h1 = np.array([0, 1])
= 1e-1
step_size = 1e-4
mu_step_size = 1e-4
= np.zeros((iters, len(y)))
posterior_steps = np.zeros((iters, 2)) # %>% setNames(c("mu1", "mu2"))
mu_mu_steps = np.zeros((iters, 2)) # %>% setNames(c("sigma1", "sigma2"))
mu_sigma_steps = []
for i in range(iters):
# expectation
# convert p to log odds (unconstrained space) before perturbing to stay in (0-1)
= 1 / (1 + np.exp(-np.log(posterior_vals[:,0] / posterior_vals[:,1]) + h))
offset_vals = np.column_stack([offset_vals, 1 - offset_vals])
offset_vals for j in range(N):
# get gradient
= (kl_divergence(y[[j]], offset_vals[[j],:], mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params) -
gradient / h
kl_divergence(y[[j]], posterior_vals[[j],:], mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)) 0] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-np.log(posterior_vals[j,0] / posterior_vals[j,1]) - gradient * step_size))
posterior_vals[j, # step
1] = 1 - posterior_vals[j, 0]
# maximization
# step mu1 params
= (kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params + h_ * h1, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params) -
gradient11 / h_
kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)) = mu_mu_params - h1 * gradient11 * mu_step_size
mu_mu_params = (kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params + h_ * h1), sigma_params) -
gradient12 / h_
kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)) = mu_sigma_params - h1 * gradient12 * sigma_step_size
# step mu2 params
= (kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params + h_ * h2, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params) -
gradient21 / h_
kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)) = mu_mu_params - h2 * gradient21 * mu_step_size
mu_mu_params = (kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params + h_ * h2), sigma_params) -
gradient22 / h_
kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)) = mu_sigma_params - h2 * gradient22 * sigma_step_size
# save intermediate values for later
= posterior_vals[:,1]
posterior_steps[i,:] = mu_mu_params
mu_mu_steps[i,:] = np.exp(mu_sigma_params)
mu_sigma_steps[i,:] = kl_divergence(y, posterior_vals, mu_mu_params, np.exp(mu_sigma_params), sigma_params)
kl += [kl] kls
Inspect KL divergence over training iterations.
= np.arange(y.min(), y.max() + 0.1, 0.1)
= plt.subplots()
fig, ax = [], []
xdata, ydata = ax.scatter(x=y, y=posterior_steps[0], c=y_df["class"], alpha=0.5)
sc = plt.plot(
x_range, 0,0], mu_sigma_steps[0,0]),
ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[="purple"
)= plt.plot(
x_range, 0,1], mu_sigma_steps[0,1]),
ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[="yellow"
def init():
min(), y.max())
ax.set_xlim(y.0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(return sc,
def update(i):
= posterior_steps[i]
sc.set_offsets(np.column_stack([y, ydata]))
= ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[i,0], mu_sigma_steps[i,0])
ln1.set_data(x_range, y1)= ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[i,1], mu_sigma_steps[i,1])
ln2.set_data(x_range, y2)return sc,
= anim.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.arange(iters),
ani =init, blit=True)
"latent_learning_py.gif", fps=30);
Amortized Variational Inference
Amortized variational inference is really where VI is set free and we can start utilizing deep learning methods within Bayesian models. This is the method that allows for variational auto-encoders.
Amortized inference is motivated by the fact that in complex latent models the number of parameters that needs to be estimated, grows with the size of the dataset. For very large datasets even variational methods will be slow.
Rather than fit an individual parameter for each data point with a latent variable, we fit a function that will spit out the parameters given a data point. If our function has fewer parameters than there are datapoints (latent variables) we save on the number of parameters we need to fit.
For this mixture model task we will use two functions. The first function (categorical_network
) will give us the posterior parameters of which group an item is in given its observed value. The second (normal_newtork
) will give us the posterior parameters for the group distribution.
\[ \begin{aligned} & Z_i \sim Categorical([p, 1-p]) \\ & p, 1-p = f_1(y_i) \\ & \mu, \sigma = f_2(z_i) \end{aligned} \]
# encoder network, this gives us out posterior distributio for z
def categorical_network(x, params):
# (N,1) x (1, 2) -> (n,2)
= x[:,None] @ params
z return np.exp(z - logsumexp(z, axis=1)[:,None]) # softmax
# decoder network, this gives us our likelihood parametetrs given z
def normal_network(z, params):
# (N,2) x (2, 2) -> (n,2)
= z @ params
x 1] = np.exp(x[:,1]) # unconstrain sigma
x[:,return x
= np.array([0.5, 0.5])
prior_prob = 100
def elbo(y, posterior_vals, decoder_params):
#take samples from approximate distribution
= np.where(np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(y)) <= posterior_vals[:,0], 0, 1).astype(int)
z # convert to one hot encoding
= np.zeros((len(y), 2))
z_hot len(y)), z] = 1
# get likelihood parameters given z
= normal_network(z_hot, decoder_params)
# calculate KL
= np.log(posterior_vals[np.arange(len(y)), z]).sum()
q_z = ss.norm.logpdf(y, y_params[:,0], y_params[:,1]).sum()
p_y_z = np.log(prior_prob[z]).sum()
p_z return q_z - p_y_z - p_z
def kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params):
= categorical_network(y, encoder_params)
posterior_vals #calculate elbo
= [elbo(y, posterior_vals, decoder_params) for i in range(ndraws)]
return np.mean(kl)
The optimization block here is getting more complex because we optimize each parameter individually.
# randomly initialize parameters
= np.random.normal(0, 0.01, (1, 2)) # matrix(rnorm(2, 0, 0.01), nrow = 1)
encoder_params = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, (2, 2)) # matrix(rnorm(4, 0, 0.01), nrow = 2)
= 100
iters # perturbation parameters
= 1e-1
h = np.array([1, 0])
h11 = np.array([0, 1])
h12 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
h21 = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
h22 = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]])
h23 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
h24 = 1e-2
# data structures for saving intermediate valuess
= np.zeros((iters, N))
posterior_steps = np.zeros((iters, 2)) #%>% setNames(c("mu1", "mu2"))
mu_mu_steps = np.zeros((iters, 2)) #%>% setNames(c("sigma1", "sigma2"))
mu_sigma_steps = []
for i in range(iters):
# expectation
# optimize encoder
# get gradients and step
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params + h * h11, decoder_params) -
gradient1 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = encoder_params - h11 * gradient1 * step_size
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params + h * h12, decoder_params) -
gradient2 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = encoder_params - h12 * gradient2 * step_size
# maximization
# optimize decoder
# get gradients and step
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params + h * h21) -
gradient3 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = decoder_params - h21 * gradient3 * step_size
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params + h * h22) -
gradient4 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = decoder_params - h22 * gradient4 * step_size
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params + h * h23) -
gradient5 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = decoder_params - h23 * gradient5 * step_size
= (kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params + h * h24) -
gradient6 / h
kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)) = decoder_params - h24 * gradient6 * step_size
# save intermediate values for later
= categorical_network(y, encoder_params)[:,0]
posterior_steps[i,:] = normal_network(np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]), decoder_params)
posterior_params = posterior_params[:,0]
mu_mu_steps[i,:] = posterior_params[:,1]
mu_sigma_steps[i,:] += [kl_divergence(encoder_params, decoder_params)] kls
Looking at how the latent values are fit you see a coupling between the points due to the smoothness of the function, while previously we had to fit each data point individually making the process noisier.
= plt.subplots()
fig, ax = [], []
xdata, ydata = ax.scatter(x=y, y=posterior_steps[0], c=y_df["class"], alpha=0.5)
sc = plt.plot(
x_range, 0,1], mu_sigma_steps[0,1]),
ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[="purple"
)= plt.plot(
x_range, 0,0], mu_sigma_steps[0,0]),
ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[="yellow"
def init():
min(), y.max())
ax.set_xlim(y.0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(return sc,
def update(i):
= posterior_steps[i]
sc.set_offsets(np.column_stack([y, ydata]))
= ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[i,0], mu_sigma_steps[i,0])
ln1.set_data(x_range, y1)= ss.norm.pdf(x_range, mu_mu_steps[i,1], mu_sigma_steps[i,1])
ln2.set_data(x_range, y2)return sc,
= anim.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.arange(iters),
ani =init, blit=True)
"amortized_latent_learning_py.gif", fps=30);